Learning to love one’s fate

Earlier this year, we discussed the concept of Memento Mori and how remembering that you’re going to die is what actually allows you to live a more intentional and authentic life. Today, let’s talk about another concept – Amor Fati – that can also have a massive impact on how you approach life and how much you enjoy it or not.

Amor Fati is a Latin phrase that roughly translates to “love of one’s fate.”

Epictetus said…

“Do not seek for things to happen the way you want them to; rather, wish that what happens happen the way it happens: then you will be happy.” 

Now I’ll be the first one to admit that this is a tough one to swallow.

So you’re saying I should just surrender to whatever life throws at me?

In a manner of speaking, yes, but let’s unpack that a bit more.

Amor Fati serves as a reminder that while you do have control over your own actions, you don’t ultimately control the outcome of those actions. What is in your control is whether you spend your life fighting back against this reality or whether you learn to embrace it instead.

For example, take a past financial decision, preferably one you tend to revisit and beat yourself up about, that didn’t lead to the outcome you desired. Now ask yourself the following questions about that decision:

  1. Am I worrying about something that’s in the past that I can’t change now?

  2. Am I using the benefit of hindsight to determine that I made a “bad” choice?

  3. Am I assuming control over an outcome that was actually outside of my control?

If you’re being honest, your answer will probably be “yes” to all three. 

So rather than fixating on something in the past that you can’t change and that’s ultimately out of your control, let's focus on how to move forward and learn to “love one’s fate” instead.

You control your actions, not your outcomes.

Start measuring yourself against your actions, not the outcomes that are out of your control. And work on building more breathing room – financial and otherwise – into your life. Because ultimately, the more prepared you are to deal with whatever life throws your way, the easier it becomes to love one’s fate.

Brian Plain

Financial planner helping Gen X families live better by blending what works best for them financially and emotionally.


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