How to be more present this holiday season

The holiday season has a way of kicking our internal monologue – financial and otherwise – into high gear, doesn’t it? A seemingly never ending to-do list can leave our heads spinning – especially when we combine it with an unhealthy dose of negative self-talk!

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to quiet that inner critic and be more present this holiday season instead?

In Seth Gillihan’s book Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, he reminds us that the first step in being more present is to tune in to yourself. One method he suggests is a silent three word declaration paired with some deep breathing. Here’s how it works…

  1. Inhale as you silently say “I am.”

  2. Exhale as you silently say “here.”

Try repeating it a few times. 

How do you feel?

I notice the more I use this mindful meditation, the easier it becomes to quiet my negative self-talk. I also catch myself more when I start to fixate on something from the past or ruminate too much about endless future possibilities. Instead, it’s become easier to tune into the present moment.

You can also see how this practice can help in our financial lives as well. Whether we’re caught up on a past financial decision that went sideways or obsessing over where our kids will go to college, take a minute to remind yourself…

(Inhale) I am (exhale) here.

It helps to remind ourselves that the past can’t be changed and the future isn’t promised so the best any of us can do is embrace the present moment. I hope Seth’s three word mindful meditation helps you be more present this holiday season and beyond.

Brian Plain

Financial planner helping Gen X families live better by blending what works best for them financially and emotionally.

A different kind of list this year


Moving from "more" to "enough"