Financial Planner for Gen X Families | Brian Plain, CFP® | Chicago, IL

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Should We All Get Teslas?

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I’ve noticed more Tesla Model 3’s popping up in my neighborhood lately.

I also noticed myself visiting the Tesla website the other night and spec’ing out a Tesla Model 3 of my own. That’s about as far as I got before the financial planner in me took over.

You drive about 6,000 miles a year, Bri. Do you really want to pay $800 a month ($1.60 per mile!) for something that will sit in your driveway 95% of the time? And what am I sacrificing to put that money towards a car payment instead?

I think I’ll stick with my Hyundai Sonata $243 monthly lease payment for now.

But as irrational human beings (myself included!) it's impossible NOT to be influenced by your friends, family, and neighbors.

Meet Bill and Sally. They have a huge house, fancy cars, a vacation home, and they each work at least 60 hours a week. Bill and Sally make great money and have lots of nice things but they don’t have much control over their time.

Meet Jim and Sandy. Jim and Sandy have a big enough house, cars that work, and flexibility in their work schedules that allow them to participate in their kid’s school and activities. Jim and Sandy make enough money for what they need and forgo some “nice to haves” in exchange for more control over their time.

Which couple do you relate to most?

Adulting often comes down to how you balance your money, time, and nice things. You can make more money and buy nice things but it usually comes at the expense of your time. Or you can have more control over your time if you’re willing to part with some money and/or forgo some nice things.

There isn’t a right or wrong choice here – the only one that matters is the one that works best for you and your family.

Just remember that you get to choose. Because if you DON’T consciously make these choices in your life, you’re likely to follow other people’s choices without even realizing it.

And I’ve yet to meet someone who is truly fulfilled living someone else's life.

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